Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Body Slamming at Hapuna

First stop - Hapuna Beach for body surfing. The waves were quite spectacular which should have been our first clue as to how they day would turn out. One man broke his nose and they had to carry another young man out on a back board to an ambulance. Our second clue should have been the the surf rushing the shore line and the life guard in a loud megaphone assisted voice telling anyone that was not familiar with the surf to get out of the water. This however did not stop mom and I from wading out into the water to provide mom with a condensed version of body surfing. Not only did we stay near to shore to avoid the violent waves rolling in, but mom of course has a bad knee so I needed to hold her hands to assist her in getting up if and when she fell. After getting knocked about a few times and being dragged across the ocean bottom with my hands entwined with mom's I decided it was time to cut her loose. As we were wading back to this shore a big wave caught us and as buoyant as mom is she rode the wave face first into shore and came up laughing.

Dennis and I didn't fare quite as well. We decide to venture out with our boogie boards ( I mean come on just because the locals are scared of the high surf doesn't mean stupid tourists should be) I got tossed badly and slammed under onto my right side where I hit my hip hard on the bottom got spun around ever which. My tow line almost pulled my arm out of the socket and my board hit her quite hard on the head. I really got my bell rung, and when mom came to help me out of the water I was disoriented and shaking. Dennis also got slammed a few times and has quite a pretty bruise on his right knee. After speaking with a local I was told we were lucky to get out of there alright as it is a spot known for people breaking their necks with the shore breaking tides.

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